
An italian history

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The story begins in 1949, in Castelfidardo. Giovanni Brandoni, supported by his sons Paolo and Ubaldo, realizes a dream: the creation of high quality refined accordions. That’s how Brandoni & Sons was born, a name synonymous with excellence, able to rapidly conquer the American market.

Year after year the tradition of the founders passes on to new generations and, as a natural continuation, Brandoni & Sons starts connecting with Bompezzo company. So the international experience merges with innovative know-how of a company able to give the accordion a leading role in the Italian market.
The secret of every accordion is within the rigorously handicraft work, with no use of any industrial equipment and technologies.

That’s how a masterpiece comes to life, that single, unique, personalized piece, holding all the value of Made in Italy, beyond time.


More than 4,000 the average number of components


Over 300 hours to compose and create

An accordion by Brandoni & Sons is not just a musical instrument, but a real artwork…